作 者:潘希迁[1] PAN Xi - qian 机构地区:[1]辽宁对外经贸大学日语专业,辽宁大连116052 出 处:《郑州航空工业管理大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第5期97-100,共4页Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management(Social Science Edition) 摘 要:在日语的学习与运用过程中,词汇误用问题始终都是日语学习者必须面对的难题.由于日语学习者受母语和惯性思维的作用,又加之学习者本人的粗心大意,会导致词汇误用问题的频繁出现.作者从词汇误用问题的实际情况入手,详尽地略论其四种类型的各自特征,从而找出克服日语词汇误用问题的措施.The misuse of vocabulary is always the biggest problem for those Japanese learners in the process of their study and appli- cation of this language. The reason why this problem arises so frequently is that those learners are deeply influenced by their mother tongue and habitual thinking, and sometimes they are careless. Yet how can this problem be avoided? The author starts from the actual situation of the use of Japanese vocabulary, and make a detailed analysis of four types of the misuse and their characteristics, thereby to get the key to overcome the problem of misuse of Japanese vocabulary. 关 键 词:日语 词汇 误用 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |