
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:戈嫣嫣[1] 秦礼君[1] GE Yan-yan, QIN Li-jun (School of Foreign Languages, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)


出  处:《安徽农业学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第1期105-108,共4页Journal of Anhui Agricultural University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)

基  金:中央高校基本科研业务费项目(KYT201706:《中外语言比较史探讨》)

摘  要:在国内发行的出版物中,我们经常看到,同样都是汉语表述的文章,在引用日语的词句时,却存在着使用汉语引号和日语引号两种情况。用汉语表述的文章,不管引用日语的是一个词,还是一段话,日语毕业论文,其引号理所当然地要参照和依据汉语言表述的相关规定或标准而规范使用,当用汉语引号,而不用日语引号。不规范使用日语引号乃是日语引号对中国日语学习者的负迁移使然。要修正汉语表述中日语引号的不规范使用现象,日语毕业论文,首先必须要清楚汉语的相关规定或标准,并要在心理上克服日语引号的干扰。In the domestic publications, it is common that there are two usages of quotation marks when citing Japanese words in the articles written in Chinese. One is Chinese quotation marks, the other being Japanese quotation marks. It is reasonable to refer to the Chinese language rules or standards and base the articles on them when quoting a Japanese word or a segment of Japanese words in the articles written in Chinese, so Chinese quotation marks are the correct choice in this case rather than Japanese quotation marks. The misuse of Japanese quotation marks is caused by the negative transfer of Japanese quotation marks on the Chinese learners. To correct this mistake, regulations or standards of Chinese language should be clarified, and psychological disturbance of Japanese quotation marks should be overcome.

关 键 词:误用 引号 负迁移 规范 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
