作 者:张峦[1] Zhang Luan 机构地区:[1]天津滨海职业大学,天津300451 出 处:《科教文汇》2017年第29期131-132,共2页 摘 要:日语听力教学是日语教学的必要组成,听力理解能力位于听说读写译五项技能之首,意义重大。当今社会的飞速发展关于人才,特别是掌握小语种技能的日语人才的需求既迫切又紧缺。新形势下,经济的高速发展和日资公司数量的增加,急需操作纯熟的口笔译日语人才。另一方面,日语毕业论文,传统外语教学模式使日语系的毕业生在实践操作方面依然存在“懂你在心,口难开”的现实问题,符合公司要求的人才一将难求。基于上述矛盾,笔者在文中通过对当今日语人才需求形势以及对日语听力教学的作用进行略论,着力研讨更加有效地加强学生听力理解能力的日语听力课堂教学模式及其具体实现方式,力求有效地提高学生的日语听力水平。Japanese listening teaching occupies an important po- sition in Japanese teaching, as listening comprehension compe- tence is the first priority in the five skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. The currently rapid developing society is in urgent need of talents with the skills of minority lan- guages, especially Japanese, due to the high speed of economic development and the increase of Japanese funded enterprises. However, traditional foreign language teaching models causes graduates' poor practical ability, mainly speaking ability, which cannot meet the needs of enterprises. Based on the about conflict, the writer analyzes the influence of the current requirement situ- ation of Japanese talents to Japanese listening teaching, and fo- cuses on more effective teaching models that can enhance stu- dents' listening comprehension competence, aiming to effectively improve students' Japanese listening ability. 关 键 词:日语听力 课堂教学 实践 生活化 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文 |