
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:白美云[1] BAI Mei-yun (College of Arts and Science, Shanxi Agricultral University, Taigu Shanxi 030801, China)


出  处:《山西农业学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第10期1072-1075,1080共5页Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University:Social Science Edition

基  金:2017年山西省教育科学"十二五"规划课题"(GH-12017);2017年山西省高等学校教学改革项目(J2017027)

摘  要:在人类社会信息化、国际化不断加强的新形势下,不同文化背景下人们之间交流日益频繁.语言是文化的载体,要想很好地掌握应用一门语言,就必须了解使用这种语言的民族或国家的历史文化.在二外日语教学过程中适当穿插日本文化,不但有助于提高学生的学习兴趣,而且能够让学生准确理解语言,取得良好的教学效果.从稻作农耕、集团意识、模仿中的创新、以和为贵四方面阐述日本文化对语言的作用.At present, folding fans has becoming a symbol of Japan just like sakura and MountWith the increasingly intensifted trend of informatization and globalization in human soeiety, people from diverse cultural backgrounds communicate more frequently with each other. Language is the carrier of culture. So in order to master a language well, we should learn much historical and cultural knowledge about the people or nation through the language. The proper supplement of Japanese culture into teaching process can not only help improve students learning interests, but also help them understand the language exactly. Only in this way can we achieve better teaching effect. This text attempts to narrate the impacts of Japanese culture on language from four perspectives: rice-crop agriculture, sense of grouping, creativity within imitation and the priority of harmony.
