作 者:薛育宁[1] XUE Yu-ning (School of Foreign Languages, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China) 机构地区:[1]集美学院外国语大学,福建厦门361021 出 处:《集美学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第2期93-97,共5页Journal of Jimei University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 摘 要:日语论文副标题是个有着多种表现形式的简短语句,日语论文题目,这种语句不只是名词句、动词句和助词句,从表现形式来看,日语论文,还有名词句、动词句、副词句、疑问句及判断句等5种句式结构。而日语论文副标题的主要功能是对主题名加以补充说明,此外,还有兼提并论的功能和同系列表示的功能。了解副标题的句式结构和功能,可更为有效地表现论文探讨的特定内容。The sentence patterns of subtitles in Japanese theses are varied with the characteristic of short sentences, such as noun clause, verb sentence, and auxiliary word sentence. From the perspective of their expressive form, there are 5 sentence patterns, namely, noun sentence, verb sentence, adverbial sentence, question sentence and informative sentence. The main function of subtitles in Japanese theses is to supplement the title, and act as the function of referring and the sameness. Understanding the sentence patterns and functions of subtitles in Japanese theses can help effectively express the specific content of the theses. 关 键 词:日语论文 副标题 句式结构 使用功能 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] |