
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李运博[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期 48-55,共8页

基  金:2017年度国家社会科学基金项目(课题名称:中日两国词汇交流史;批准号:08BYY076,课题负责人:李运博)的部分成果

摘  要:学者普遍认为,罗存德《英华字典》(1866—1869)堪称是19世纪英华字典集大成之作,代表了19世纪英汉对译词典编撰的最高成就,对汉语、日语的近代英日辞典的编撰、译词的形成都产生了极大的作用。尤其是,在其日译本『英华和识字典』(1879)的词条与释义部分同时出现了英语原文、汉语译词、日文译词,日语论文,直接而客观地反映了汉字“新词”在中日两国出现的时期,因此具有重要的探讨价值。本文以出现在『英华和识字典』释义部分的日语“新词”为探讨对象,日语论文,略论和整理了日语“新词”在词典中的出处,并从宏观的角度考察了部分出现在释义部分,并具有明确汉字标注的日译词在中日两国出现的时期。It is widely believed by scholars that Lobscheid' s English & Chinese Dictionary(1866-1869) can be considered as the most comprehensive and outstanding dictionary of English and Chinese from the 19th century, and represents the highest achievement of compiling an English and Chinese dictionary in the 19th century. It also has had a great influence on the compilation and translation of English and Japanese dictionaries in the Chinese language and Japanese language respectively. In particular, in the word and interpretation parts of A Dictionary of The English, Chinese and Japanese Languages with the Japanese Pronunciation in Japanese language (1879), there are original English sentences, as well as Chinese translations and Japanese translations. This reflects the period when the "new Chinese words" appeared in both China and Japan directly and objectively, and boasts an important research value. With A Dictionary of The English, Chinese and Japanese Languages with the Japanese Pronunciation as the research material, and the "new Japanese words" appearing in the interpretation part as research object, this paper analyzes the source of "new Japanese words" in dictionaries, and investigates the period in an overall perspective when the Japanese translations with clear Chinese characteristics appeared in China and Japan.

关 键 词:日语借词 罗(布)存德 

分 类 号:H163[语言文字—汉语]
