
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:陆鹏[1] LU Peng (Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Technology College,Tianjin 300350)


出  处:《天津市财贸管理干部大学学报》2017年第1期 82-83,共2页Journal of Tianjin Institute of Financial and Commercial Management

摘  要:首次日语技能大赛圆满落幕了。技能大赛对高职院校人才培养模式改革的促进影响十分明显.同时本文也对今后的教学改革,日语毕业论文日语论文,以及大赛指导过程中,出现的问题和解决策略作了略论。The First National Vocational Students Japanese Language successful close. It's obvious that the Competition pushes forward the Skills Competition drew to a process of higher vocational college cultivation mode. This essay puts forward some suggestions for teaching mode reform and analyzes problems and solutions in the process of the competition guidance.

关 键 词:技能大赛 日语教育 人才培养模式 

分 类 号:H361.91[语言文字—日语]
