作 者:乔颖[1] by QIAO Ying 机构地区:[1]华东师范学院外语大学日语专业 出 处:《外语教学理论与实践》2017年第4期69-75,共7页Foreign Language Teaching 摘 要:传统的外语教学普遍比较强调学习的结果,自20世纪80年代开始,学者们认为教学不应该只注重学习的结果,日语毕业论文,还应重视学习的过程。但是学习是一个动态发展的过程,既不像结果那样显而易见,也会因受到教学对象、内容等因素的改变而发生变化,令人难以捉摸。因此,本文将从语言习得理论的基本原理出发,通过日语精读教学中对“情境化”、“TPR”、“VT法”等措施的具体应用实例,着重讨论三个方面的问题:1)在精读课的语法教学中如何增加“可理解输入”的“质”和“量”;2)以精读的会话教学为中心,讨论如何促使学生将外在的语言知识吸收内化并形成“自动化”;3)以精读课入门阶段的发音教学为中心,研讨如何降低学生的情感过滤从而提高教学效率;本文通过对教学实践的记录和反思,日语论文,总结出基础阶段的日语精读课应遵循学生语言习得过程的规律与因势利导的教学措施和准则。Before the 1980' s, language teaching usually focused primarily on the learning results, but later scholars realized that teachers should pay attention to and strengthen the process of educational activities. Therefore, this paper starts from the bas- ic principles of language acquisition theory and then proceeds to the instances of concrete application of the method of "TPR", "VT" in the Japanese Intensive teaching, focusing on three aspects: 1 ) how to increase the "quality" and "quantity" of "com- prehensible input" in grammar teaching of intensive reading course; 2) how to encourage the students to absorb the external lan- guage knowledge into the formation of "automation" by taking the example of the conversation in intensive reading course ;3 ) how to reduce students'affective filter in order to improve the teaching efficiency by taking the example of Elementary Pronunciation Teaching in intensive reading course. Finally, based on the records and introspection of teaching practices, this paper summarizes the laws of students'language acquisition process, teaching methods and principles of prevailing circumstances that should be fol- lowed in the basic stage of intensive reading course. 关 键 词:日语精读 习得过程 基础阶段 情景化 分 类 号:G40-06[文化科学—教育学原理;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学] |