作 者:孙子涵[1] Sun Zihan 机构地区:[1]广东药大学·广州·510006 出 处:《广东外语外贸学院学报》2017年第1期 91-94,共4页Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 摘 要:日语的待遇表现对中国的日语学习者来说一直是一大难点,日语论文,因为汉语中没有完全对应的用法。待遇表现的用法非常微妙,所反映的人物联系、动作方向,日语论文,较汉语复杂得多。作为一种反映人际联系的语言表达形式,待遇表现如果在该使用的地方没有使用,或者错误地使用,关于相关者来讲都不礼貌。本文通过对部分中国日语学习者进行调查,提出教师在教学时应该从方向性、视点、人际联系、恩惠四个方面进行讲解。Social deixis in Japanese is a difficult phenomenon for the Chinese students to learn as there is no such counterpart in Chinese. The human relations it denotes in Japanese are much more complicated than those in Chinese. If social deixis is wrongly used in conversation, it will be discourteous and even hurt the addressee. In this article the author reports a survey conducted of how some Chinese Japanese learners to apply social deixis in communication and proposes some suggestions on how to teach social deixis. 关 键 词:待遇表现 日语教学 授受联系 分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语] |