
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:路亚瑾[1] 卢飒[1] LU Ya-jin, LU Sa (Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315211, China)


出  处:《宁波工程大学学报》2017年第3期123-127,共5页Journal of Ningbo University of Technology

基  金:2017年度宁波工程大学校级科研课题.

摘  要:日本动漫文化给中国青少年带来了不同程度不同方面的作用。本文从高考学生选择日语系的视角出发,日语论文,针对日本动漫文化对日语系选择产生作用作了调查探讨。笔者在开设日语系的五所宁波本科高校,对其09、10、11年入学的在校学生进行了分层随机抽样调查。本文根据调查结果就日本动漫文化对学生选择日语系产生的作用进行了简单的研讨,日语论文题目,并结合探讨结论提出笔者的建议与意见。The Japanese comic culture means the Japanese anime and manga, however, this research on the Japanese comic culture also includes movie adaptation, television series adaptation and video games, etc.. The culture influences the Chinese teenagers in different aspects. The paper focuses on the reasons why the Chinese high school students choose Japanese as major and studies how the Japanese comic culture affects their decision. The statistics and the analysis are based on the survey among the Year 2017, Year 2017 and Year 2017 freshmen Japanese majors in five universities in Ningbo.

关 键 词:日本动漫 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
