
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:彭佳莉[1] PENG Jiali (Guangdang Institute of Science and T~hnology, Zhuhai, Guangdong, 519090)


出  处:《吉林省教育大学学报:上旬》2017年第10期137-138,共2页

摘  要:最近在日本有种叫作“タメロ”的语言在80后、90后等年轻人群中倍受青睐。虽然这种语言在年轻人中津津乐道、广为流行,但也有很多来自于年长者及教育学家们批评的声音,他们认为这种年轻人之间所谓的“哥们话”不仅违规越礼,日语毕业论文,而且搅乱了传统意义上的言语规则,日语毕业论文,应予以正确的引导。笔者认为关于这一新兴的说话方式,一味推崇或一味抨击都不是我们应有的姿态。在这里,笔者将围绕这个富有争议的说话方式发表一下个人的意见及看法。Recently in Japan a language spoken by nabs is popular among the young cr6wd after 80 and 90s, Although this speech is widely spread among the young people, there are also voices of criticism from the elders and educators. They think that this so - called " nabs'words "among young people are not only against the rule and impolite, but spoil the rules of the language in the traditional sense, which should be given the correct guidance. The author thinks that the attitude of a respected one or blindly attacked one is not our due attitude to this new way of speaking. Here, the author will discuss the controversial speech to express personal views and opinions.

关 键 词:哥们话 敬语 沟通 交流 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
