作 者:刘凡夫[1] Liu Fanfu Liaoning Normal University 机构地区:[1]辽宁师范学院 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期 10-18,共9页 基 金:2017年度教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(课题名称:基于语料库的近代中日汉字术语生成与跨文化传播探讨;批准号:10YJA740060)的阶段性探讨成果 摘 要:本文以黄遵宪的《日本国志》为语料,考察了近代早期的中日语言接触。通过语料调查与梳理,对该书中日语借词的生成、使用及传播过程进行了考索,日语毕业论文,对其词源进行了个案探讨。指出近代早期进入汉语的日语借词包括日语既有汉字词、日语汉字新词,还包括回归的汉语本族词。日语借词在进入汉语的同时,开始呈现由理解词汇向表达词汇转化的迹象。在戊戌变法期很多革新派的文论中,已显露出这些日语借词的作用。This paper explores the communication between Chinese and Japanese in early modem times based on a language database drawn from "The Records of the State of Japan" written by Huang Zunxian. Through a survey and classification of loanwords appearing in Huang Zunxian' s work, the paper presents an etymological study of the processes of loanword formation, assimilation, and dissemination. It shows that loanwords from Japanese into Chinese in early modem times include original Japanese Kanji words, new words in Japanese Kanji, and returning native words. These words show the tendency of transformation from comprehension words to expression words. The influence of these loanwords can be shown in the articles of reformers written during the Hundred Days Reform. 关 键 词:日本国志 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文 |