
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:贾朝勃[1] Jia Zhaobo (Female) Year of Birth: 1973 Lecturer at the School of Languages and Communication Studies Beijing Jiaotong University Japanese Linguistics Study


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第4期37-42,共6页

基  金:北京交通学院人才基金科研项目的阶段探讨成果,项目编号H11RC00010

摘  要:文化孕育了语言,语言弘扬了文化,文化与语言密不可分,日语中的很多语法表达、流行语中都蕴含了集团主义文化因素,折射出日本人习惯于依赖服从集团,严格遵守社会秩序的民族性格。本文第一节着眼于日语人称代词的相对性与省略现象、「ウチ」「ソト」意识在日语称谓、授受动词和敬语中的体现,略论了集团意识在日语语法中的渗透。第二节通过略论「KY」「カワイイ」的流行背景,观察了集团意识对日语流行语的作用。Language derives from culture, and promotes the development of culture. Language anti culture are closely connected with each other. Some of the traditional and popular expressions in Japanese contain the group consciousness of Japanese culture, reflecting the Japanese conventional character of relying on groups and abiding strictly by social order. The first part of this paper focuses on the relativity and omission of the personal pronoun in Japanese, and the embodiment of "uchi/ soto" in Japanese appellation, verbs of a given relationship, and honorific expressions. In the first part of this paper, the penetration of the group consciousness in Japanese grammar is analyzed. The second part explores the background of the popularity of"KY" and "kawaii", aiming to identify the influence of group consciousness in Japanese popular expressions. Keywords: group consciousness; uchi; soto; grammar; popular expressions

关 键 词:语法 流行语 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
