
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:吴伟丽[1] Wu Weili (School of Foreign Languages, East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201720, China)


出  处:《齐鲁师范大学学报》2017年第6期132-136,共5页Journal of Shandong Education Institute

基  金:本文成果受上海市市本级财政部门预算学科建设项目“外国语言学及运用语言学”(A-3501-12-003)的资助.

摘  要:日语存在句的句式多样复杂,如果从认知语言学的视角考察略论日语存在句,日语毕业论文日语毕业论文,应用认知参照点、概念化的动态性、框架语义、象似性、认知经济化等原理略论日语存在句的表达特征以及“ぁゐ”和“いゐ”的各自语义特征,认为日语存在句表达的认知参照点具有显性标识和隐形标识的特征。因此文章应用概念化动态性、象似性以及认知经济化的原理追溯了日语“存在”意义表达句型之多样化的根源,并且应用框架语义原理略论了“ぁゐ”和“いゐ”的异同。This essay probes into the diverse and complex Japanese Existential Sentence(JES)to analyze its expressive features and the respective semantic features of "ぁゐ(ARU) "and" いゐ (IRU)" by the application of various modem cognitive linguistics theories. Firstly, a Cognitive Reference Point research reveals the explicit and implicit features of JES. Secondly, the Dynamic Conception, Iconicity, and Cognitive Economics help to pursue the root of the variety of JES. Finally, Frame Semantics Theory is exploited to analyze the differentiation between "ぁゐ(ARU) "and" いゐ (IRU) ".

关 键 词:认知 日语 存在句 特征 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
