作 者:王冲[1] 机构地区:[1]大连理工学院外国语大学,辽宁大连116023 出 处:《外语与外语教学》2017年第1期 35-38,共4页Foreign Languages and Their Teaching 摘 要:中介语石化现象阻碍学习者正确习得目的语,明确其形成的原因,对外语教学具有指导意义。本探讨首先针对中国日语学习者对“必す”的习得状况进行纵向调查,并将其与日语母语者的使用状况比较。进而从认知语言学角度略论了学习者与母语者之间的异同,发现推测用法和概率用法导致了这种异同。本文提出,母语的认知迁移是产生“必す”语义石化现象的根本原因。本文认为,日语毕业论文,通过提示学习者母语与目的语范畴体系的不同来促进其认知变化是防止中介语石化的有效措施。It has been proved that inter-language fossilization hinders the fight acquisition of the target language. Therefore, exploring into the cause of its formation is significantly instructive to foreign language teaching. This study conducted a longitudinal study on the acquisition of "必す" by Chinese Japanese learners and compared with its uses by native Japanese users. Analyzing the differences between the two from the cognitive perspective ,the study found that the strategies of conjecture and possibility led the learners farther away from the native speakers,leading to the conclusion that cognitive migration in L1 is the fundamental cause of the semantic fossilization of "必す". This study points out the differences between the category system of L1 and that of L2 to facilitate cognitive transformation in learners is an effective way to prevent inter-language fossilization. 关 键 词:中介语 石化现象 母语迁移 分 类 号:H0[语言文字—语言学] ,日语论文 |