
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李书霞[1] LI Shuxia (Business College of Shaanxi University, Taiyuan, Shaanxi 030031)


出  处:《科教导刊》2017年第8期 172-173,179,共3页

摘  要:掌握第二门外语日益成为很多大中学生的选择,但是关于现代快速的社会学习生活来说,日语毕业论文,如何能够适应社会的发展,快速高效掌握一门外语显得很重要。笔者根据多年高校日语教学和培训机构日语教学的经验,总结出一种可以快速高效掌握日语的短期焦点语言运用日语学习法。该措施根据日语的特点,将语音、词性、活用、四种谓语句、一般句型和约定俗成的惯用表达作为短期焦点,并以此为切入点研讨外语教学改革的可行路径。Learning a second foreign language has become a choice for many high school students and college students. The writer thinks it's very important for them to learn a foreign language quickly and effectively to adapt to the quick development of the society. Based on many years' experiences in college Japanese language teaching and training school teaching, the writer summed up a method of learning Japanese languageshort period language use focused method, which can help Japanese language learners learn more quickly and effectively. In accordance with the characteristics of Japanese language, this method focuses on the learning of pronunciation, parts of speech, conjugation, four types of predicates, general sentence patterns and idioms. With this method, language learners who don't major in Japanese ean learn it effectively. Meanwhile, this can be seen as an approach to the feasibilily of foreign language teaching reform.

关 键 词:短期高效焦点语言运用 日语的特点可行性 

分 类 号:G424[文化科学—课程与教学论;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
