作 者:汤春苹[1] TANG Chun-ping (School of Foreign Languages, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang, Henan 473061, China) 机构地区:[1]南阳师范大学外国语大学,河南南阳473061 出 处:《南阳师范大学学报》2017年第2期 115-117,共3页Journal of Nanyang Teachers College 基 金:南阳师范大学校级教研项目“师生双向互选的日语公共课分级教学探讨”成果[WYJY(2017)013] 摘 要:分级教学是体现"因材施教、提高教学效果"准则的一项重要教学改革方法。本文从"语言输入假说"理论出发,略论日语公共课实行分级教学的必要性,分别从学生、教师的角度阐释了日语公共课分级教学的优越性,并详细论述了尊重学生意愿、师生双向互选、制定分级教学目标、采取科学教学措施等具体的实施方案,提出在实施过程中应注意教材选取、学生评价、教师考核等方面的问题和相应的解决对策。As an important measure of teaching reform, level-based teaching mode expresses the of "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude for better teaching effect". This paper, Language beginning principle from the Input Hypothesis Theory, analyses the necessity of level-based public Japanese teaching, and discusses the advantage of this mode from the perspective of students and teachers; then it elaborates on the specific implementation plans, such as respecting the students' opinions, mutual selection between teachers and students, setting level-based teaching goals, and adopting scientific teaching method. Finally the paper offers solutions to the possible problems in the process of teaching materials selection, students' evaluation and teachers' assessment in the course of its implementation. 关 键 词:日语公共课 分级教学 解决对策 分 类 号:G642.4[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |