作 者:杨海茹[1] 畅宝仁[1] YANG Hai-- ru, CHANG Bao-- ren (School of Foreign Languages, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314001) 机构地区:[1]嘉兴大学外国语大学,浙江嘉兴314001 出 处:《嘉兴大学学报》2017年第5期 64-68,共5页Journal of Jiaxing College 摘 要:从日语动词“アスベクト”的角度,日语毕业论文,以“た形”“ゐ形”所表达的基本意义为切入点,对日语学习者容易混淆的“~ませりごした ”和“こぃませり ”句型用法的不同之处,日语论文,以及“こぃゐ”“こぃた”“た”的差异点展开了讨论,试图解决日语学习者在学习过程中容易混淆和不易掌握的难点及重点问题,使此范畴的学习更加顺利。From the perspective of the verb "アスベクト" and the basic meaning of た形" and "ゐ形", the authors illustrate the uses of the two patterns "~ませりごした" and "こぃませり", as well as the differences and similarities of "こぃゐ""こぃた" and "た", which look similar but have different meanings and functions. The discussion is expected to help the Japanese learners to grasp the key points in these aspects more easily. 关 键 词:自动词 他动词 分 类 号:TP391.2[自动化与计算机技术—计算机运用技术;自动化与计算机技术—计算机科学与技术] |