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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王忻[1] WANG Xin


出  处:《外语与外语教学》2017年第1期66-69,共4页Foreign Languages and Their Teaching

基  金:国家社科基金项目“对中国日语学习者偏误认知语言学探讨”(项目编号:09BYY078)阶段性成果

摘  要:本文尝试用认知语言学的措施结合偏误实例对中国日语学习者偏误形成的机制进行略论。本文首先对学习者在学习第二语言时从母语经验出发的认知过程--母语概念隐喻现象予以确认。进而以中国日语学习者偏误实例为中心,通过对隐喻映射过程中源域词--母语的"过"与目标域词--日语的"過ぎる"语义结构的意象图示略论,尝试从认知语言学探讨的角度,研讨二语习得过程中中国日语学习者偏误发生的原因及其理论依据。其结果表明:"过"①义与"過ぎる"①义是三意对一意的联系,认为"过"①义与"過ぎる"①义相等是发生偏误的原因。This paper attempts to analyze the cognitive mechanism and particular examples of the errors made by Chinese learners of Japanese.The paper firstly confirms that the cognitive process experienced by a L2 learner starts from processing mother tongue conceptual metaphors.A cognitive analysis of a particular example is then made by analyzing the image schemata of the semantic structures in the metaphoric mapping process of the Chinese "guo" from the source domain to the Japanese "sugiru" of the target domain,in the hope of exploring mechanism and motivation of the errors made by Chinese learners of Japanese from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.The result shows that Chinese "guo" has three meanings while Japanese "sugiru" has one meaning.The oversimplification of this mismatched relationship is the cause of those errors.

关 键 词:意象图式 

分 类 号:H0[语言文字—语言学]
