
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:于晓欢[1] YU Xiaohuan (North China Institute of Science and Technology,Yanjiao Beijing-East 101601 )


出  处:《华北科技大学学报》2017年第3期 98-101,共4页Journal of North China Institute of Science and Technology

摘  要:日语翻译课程日语教学中的地位日渐突出,日语毕业论文日语毕业论文,学生即要具有扎实基本功,又要具备较强的日语运用能力。日语运用能力主要体现在笔译、口译等翻译实践方面,所以略论翻译课程存在问题、找出相应的解决办法势在必行。本文将主要针对日语的词汇、语法、文化等对我院日语系翻译理论与实践课程中出现的问题进行略论,找出解决措施,旨在提高教学质量和学生的翻译能力。Solid language knowledge and practical competence is becoming compulsory for students with the growing importance of the courses of Translation for Japanese majors. While practical competence is mainly reflected in practices like translation, interpretation etc, the analysis of the problems appearing in the courses of Translation and the search for the corresponding solutions to them become inevitable and necessary. With the aim of improving teaching quality and students" translation ability, this thesis, focusing on the Japanese vocabulary, grammar, and cuhure, attempts to analyze the problems that occurred in the teaching of both translation theory and translation practice for Japanese majors and find out solutions based on the analysis.

关 键 词:翻译 策略 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
