
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:陈燕生[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期 16-21,共6页

摘  要:日语拟声拟态词作副词使用的频率远远大于作其他词性使用的频率。而作[様態副词]和[结果副词]使用的频率又远远高于作[程度副词]和[频度副词]。其中有些既可作[様態副词]又可作[结果副词]的拟声拟态词需要在一定的条件下进行辨别。而同形的拟声拟态词要因共起动词的词义和性质来决定其表示样态还是结果。学习者可在学习过程中从二者的统语结构特点之中摸索一些差异规律,日语论文,以期深度了解并掌握日语拟声拟态词作副词使用时的典型规律和要领.[程度副词]和[频度副词]数量不多,使用范围有限,且有些在类别上与[様態副词]交叉,这些问题将留作今后的探讨课题。Japanese onomatopoeia words used as adverbs play a much more important role than any other forms. What is more, onomatopoeia words are used as mode adverbs and result adverbs much more frequently than as level adverbs and frequency adverbs. Some onomatopoeia words serve as mode adverbs as well as result adverbs. Therefore they should be considered discriminately under certain conditions. The meaning and the type of a verb followed by syntactic form jointly decide whether an onomatopoeia word is a mode adverb or a result adverb. Learners can discover rules during their studies and grasp some key points in dealing with onomatopoeia words used as adverbs. It is rarely seen that an onomatopoeia word is used as either level adverb or frequency adverb, in which case its usage is restricted within limits. Furthermore, some of the aforementioned level adverbs or frequency adverbs simultaneously serve as mode adverbs. The author will conduct further research on this point in the future.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H363.1[语言文字—日语]
