
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:施文 祁福鼎 SHI Wen, QI Fuding (Dalian University of Foreign Language, Dalian 116044, China)


出  处:《宁波职业技术大学学报》2017年第4期70-73,84共5页Journal of Ningbo Polytechnic

摘  要:21世纪,随着信息化、全球化进程日益加速,公示语翻译在展现国家面貌、宣传民族文化、发展国际联系等方面均占据着重要的地位。然而当前我国公共领域的日文译写不规范、不得体,甚至错译、误译等现象触目皆是,严重作用我国公共领域的整体服务水平与国际形象。日文标识不规范的问题亟待解决。交际翻译理论公示语翻译具有一定的启示,公示语日译应从中日公示语语言特征及中日两国文化异同入手,遵循读者导向、简洁、相对等效三准则进行。With the acceleration of informatization and globalization, it is important which public signs should be at aspects of showing national outlook, appears traditional culture and developing international relationship in the 21st Century. However, the unnormative or incorrect expresses are common to see, and it is effect the overall service level and international image at public domain that must be solved. Communicative translation theory is helpful for public sign translation.Chinese-Japanese translation of public signs should consider mainly of the functional relevant meaning, a principle of text to text equivalence and the translator must be guided primarily by what the audience is aimed to translate the text for.

关 键 词:交际翻译理论 公示语 公示语翻译 日语 

分 类 号:H059[语言文字—语言学]
