作 者:缪肖强 Miao Xiaoqiang (School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang A&F University, Liffan, Zhejiang 311300) 机构地区:浙江农林学院外国语大学,浙江临安311300 出 处:《嘉兴大学学报》2017年第4期112-117,共6页Journal of Jiaxing College 基 金:2017年杭州市哲学社会科学规划常规性立项课题(G16JC007) 摘 要:在自建杭州涉外酒店简介中英对照平行文本的基础上,把酒店简介文本分成定位、荣誉称号、地理位置、设施和服务、呼唤入住、关系信息6个语步,就每个语步进行常见词块的归纳并结合一些典型实例进行译文评析,得出建立酒店简介的中英文对照词块库是提高涉外酒店文本译文质量的有效途径。Based on the contrast of C-E paralleled texts of Hangzhou-based international hotel profiles,6 moves are formulated,and chunks for each move explored profoundly with the guidance of lexical chunk theory.It's found that a lexical chunk bank for hotel profile translation is an effective means to improve translation quality,providing a new approach to render practical Chinese texts. 分 类 号:H364[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |