
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李星 LI Xing ( Japanese Department, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang Guangdong 524088, China)


出  处:《湖北函授学院学报》2017年第15期143-144,170共3页

基  金:广东海洋学院“创新强校工程”教学类项目--人才培养模式改革实验区项目“复合型跨文化交际日语人才培养模式创新实验区”(项目编号:校教务[2017]17号)

摘  要:在世界经济一体化、文化多元化迅速发展的全球化语境下,日语学习者如何在不同文化背景下进行有效的文化交流与交际,成为高校日语教学面临的新问题与新挑战。笔者在多年的日本文学教学中深刻体会到:随着高校日语教学的不断改革,日语系学生的语言能力与语言技能显著提高,但社会文化能力跨文化交际能力却不尽人意,有必要在日本文学教学过程中,尝试引导学生通过感受日本文学著作中丰富的文化内涵与其独特的民族文化表现形式逐步培养高年级阶段学生跨文化交际的能力。With the rapid development of world economic integration and cultural diversity in the context of globalization,Japanese learners how to effectively exchange and communication in different cultural backgrounds,as Japanese teaching faces new problems and new challenges. The author through many years of teaching deeply understand: with the continuous reform of the Japanese teaching in colleges and universities,university students specialized in Japanese language abilities and language skills improved significantly,but social cultural competence and cross- cultural communicative competence is unsatisfactory,in Japanese literature teaching process,it is necessary to try to guide students to gradually cultivate senior year students cross- cultural communication ability by feelings of rich cultural connotation in Japanese literature with its unique national culture form.
