
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李旖旎[1] 徐敬宏[2] LI Yi-ni1 , XU Jing-hong2 ( 1. School of Humanities, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China; 2. School of Journalism and Communication, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

机构地区:[1]北京邮电学院人文大学,北京100876 [2]北京师范学院新闻传播大学,北京100875

出  处:《北京邮电学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第4期101-107,共7页Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)

基  金:国家语委2017年度一般项目(YB125-40); 北京邮电学院社会科学基金(2017BS04)

摘  要:以北京邮电学院公共日语选修课学生为对象,通过问卷综合调查了193名学生对164个词语的认知程度,并在此基础上进一步研讨这些词语的语言和传播特征。探讨发现,日本ACG文化的作用是这些词语得以传播的深层文化原因。"汉字借用"类词语中和汉语的语法结构和语义特征符合度高的词语的认知度高;"意译"类词语由于均经过了符合汉语规则的改造,认知度普遍较高;"音译"类词语认知度总体较高,但其中需要有较高日语水平才能理解的词认知度偏低。"拉丁字母借用"类词语中的"英语字母借用词"在认知度上普遍高于"罗马字借用词"。Researches to Japanese loanwords semantic level, but cognition survey of these Chinese Internet buzzwords was carried out by in Chinese Internet buzzwords concentrated in word formation and words is ignored. A cognition survey of 164 Japanese loanwords in taking 193 students of public elective course of Japanese in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications as objects. Language and the propagation characteristics of these words were investigated too. The survey found that the influence of Japanese ACG culture is the deep cultural reasons for these words to be spread. It is also found that cognition of "Chinese-character-borrowed" words is the highest because they are the most in line with grammatical structures and semantic rules of Chinese. "Meaning translated" words also show higher cognition because they are in line with the transformation of Chinese. Generally speaking, cognition of "transliteration" words is high, but some words which require a high level of Japanese to be understood show lower cognition. According to the higher penetration rate of English "Alphabet-borrowed" words is higher than "Romaji-borrowed" words.

关 键 词:汉语网络词语 日源词 

分 类 号:H139[语言文字—汉语] H136[语言文字—汉语]
