
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:蔡凤林 CAI Feng-lin ( School of Foreign Studies, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081 )


出  处:《中央民族学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第1期122-130,共9页Journal of The Central University for Nationalities(Humane and Social Sciences Edition)

摘  要:日本社会开始使用汉字书写始于5世纪,但是书写工作主要由"渡来人"承担。儒学和佛教从中国的传入,提高了古代日本人学习汉字汉语的动因,拓展了汉字在日本社会的实用空间。古代日本人撰写纯汉文体文章始于6世纪末7世纪初,其使用汉字撰写带有日语语法特点的变体汉文文章,并将汉字作为字母表记普通日语词汇,并由此而发展出日本的民族文字平假名和片假名。In the 5th century, Japanese started to use Chinese characters in writing and the writing work was mainly done by Chinese mainland immigrants. The introduction of Confucianism and Buddhism into Japan from China enhanced the motivation of ancient Japanese to learn Chinese and expanded the pragmatic space of Chinese characters in Japanese society. Ancient Japanese started to write articles in pure Chinese style in the late 6th and early 7th century. Before the 7th century, they wrote articles by using Chinese variants with characteristics of Japanese grammar, used Chinese characters in alphabetic list of Japanese common words and later on developed Japanese Hiragana and Katakana.

关 键 词:汉字 渡来人 

分 类 号:H109.2[语言文字—汉语]
