
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:何艺娇 柯璜莹 HE Yijiao, KE Huanfying ( School of Foreign Languages, Longyan University, Longyan Fujian 364012, China )


出  处:《乐山师范大学学报》2017年第11期51-54,共4页Journal of Leshan Teachers College

基  金:龙岩大学青年教师攀登项目“有关日语中下级对上级称赞的考察探讨”(LQ2017003)

摘  要:不完全表述是语言表达中的常见现象,文章主要结合语用前提的特征,对日语会话中不完全表述的理解情况进行考察。目前提呈现出既知性、共知性特征时,不完全表述能被正常理解;而目前提呈现出单向性特征时,不完全表述一般不能被很好理解,听话人往往要发问。Non-complete expression is a commo n phenomenon in language. Mainly combined with the characteristics of pragmatic premises,this paper inspects the understanding of incomplete expression in Japanese conversation. When the premise shows the characteristics of known and common known knowledge,the incomplete statements can be normally understood. But when it shows the characteristics of unidirectionality,the incomplete statements can 't be well understood in general. In this case,the listener would often have to ask questions.

关 键 词:语用前提 不完全表述 会话 

分 类 号:H030[语言文字—语言学]
