
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张根华 ZHANG Genhua (Library of Sanming University, Sanming 365000, China)


出  处:《三明大学学报》2017年第3期80-85,共6页Journal of Sanming University

摘  要:三明大学图书馆特色馆藏文献中的清末日文藏书,是福建省第一所日语学校--福州东文学堂、福建省第一所师范学堂--全闽师范学堂,两所办学机构在清末教育办学中收藏并保存下来的日文图书,是我国清末教育变革与发展的原始文献资料佐证。对藏书的收藏原由、管理情况、藏书类型、基本特征与传承历史进行略论与探讨,从图书馆学、历史学和文献学的角度,论证它的历史文献特色与参考利用价值,并提出保护与利用的合理化途径。The collection of Japanese books in the late Qing Dynasty in the library of Sanming University are the Japanese books collected and preserved from two schools' education in the late Qing Dynasty. One of the shcool is the first Japanese language school in Fujian province-Fuzhou Dongwen School, and the other is the first normal school in Fujian province-Quanmin Normal School. The special collection is the original literature evidence of educational reform and devel- opment in the late Qing Dynasty. The collecting reason, management, collecting types, characteristics and inheritance history are analyzed in this paper. From the perspectives of library science, history and philology, its characteristics of historical doc- ument are evaluated so as to propose rational ways for protection and application.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:G253[文化科学—图书馆学]
