
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李修军[1] 杨菁菁[1] 吴景龙[2] 佟丹[3] LI Xiujun1, YANG Jingjing1, WU Jinglong2, TONG Dan3 ( 1.School of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022; 2.The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Okayama 700-8530; 3.Department of Radiology, No.1HospitalofJilinUniversity, Changchun 130022)

机构地区:[1]长春理工学院计算机科学技术大学,长春130022 [2]日本冈山学院自然科学探讨生院,冈山700-8530 [3]吉林学院第一医院放射科,长春130022

出  处:《长春理工学院学报:自然科学版》2017年第6期115-118,共4页Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology

摘  要:利用功能性磁共振成像(f MRI)技术研讨双语被试语义读音处理时脑活动的异同。实验使用汉语和日语中语义读音处理相关实验刺激任务,通过两组被试各自判断任务中不同的脑激活情况研讨中日双语和日本人被试在语义和读音处理时脑活动的异同。结果表明关于中日双语被试,中文语义判断任务和中文读音判断任务相减,没有得到异同性脑区,而日文语义判断任务和日文读音判断任务相减得到了二者异同性脑区,主要表现在:右侧额叶前回(BA8/9),左侧纺锤状回(BA37)以及右侧颞叶(BA22/38);关于日本人被试,日文语义判断任务和日文读音判断任务相减得到二者异同性脑区,主要表现在:左侧颞上回(BA40)和左侧颞叶(BA22)。Using functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI),much knowledge has been gained in understanding how the brain is activated during controlled experiments of language tasks in Chinese-Japanese bilinguals and Japanese subjects. In this study,we used fMRI to investigate the difference in bilingual by Chinese-Japanese bilingual and Japanese subjects in the semantic and phonological processing of brain activity. Study on the use of Chinese-Japanese bilingual and Japanese subjects,using Chinese or Japanese semantic or phonological judgment task,through the two groups of subjects their judgment task,discussion of bilingual Chinese and Japanese subjects differences between brain activity in semantic and phonological processing. Results show that no significant different brain area between Chinese semantic judgment task and Chinese phonological judgment task with Chinese-Japanese bilingual subjects,and Japanese semantic judgment task and Japanese phonological judgment task by subtracting the differences between the brain regions:the right frontal lobes(BA8/9),the left fusiform gyrus(BA37),the right temporal lobe(BA22/38);For the Japanese subjects,Japanese semantic judgment task and Japanese phonological judgment task is presupposed differences between the two brain regions:the left superior temporal gyrus(BA40) and the left temporal lobe(BA22).

关 键 词:双语 语义 读音 功能性核磁共振 

分 类 号:Q983.5[生物学—人类学]
