
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:徐栋[1] 


出  处:《大理学院学报》2017年第1期36-39,共4页Journal of Dali University

摘  要:《奇鸟行状录》中大量使用隐喻手法,其中,“井”作为一个较小的意象,扮演着从现实世界通往作为较大意象的意识世界的媒介。在这里,日语毕业论文意识世界是指与现实世界相平行又相抗衡的“虚拟”的世界,它或多或少地反映了日本社会中现存的黑暗现象,可以说是社会的缩影。著作通过对此意识世界的细致描写,深刻地揭露和批判了日本当代社会中存在的封闭国家暴力组织的虚伪面具,日语论文,为当代的日本人敲响了一个警钟。Haruki Murakami used metaphor in his novel named The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. "Well", as a small image, is a medium between the real world and the consciousness world. In the novel, the consciousness world means a "virtual" world which parallels and goes against with the real world. It more or less reflects the darkness in Japanese society, which can be seen as a miniature of society.Through the detailed description of the consciousness world, the novel deeply exposes and criticizes the violence organization secluding the country, as well as gives a wake-up call for the contemporary Japanese.

关 键 词:村上春树 奇鸟行状录 隐喻 水井 意识世界 

分 类 号:I106[文学—世界文学]
