
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:陈爱华 Chen Aihua(Chongqing University)


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第5期26-35,共10页

基  金:中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目“以‘汉文’为措施--二战时日本作家中岛敦探讨”(项目批准编号:106112017CDJ)的阶段性探讨成果

摘  要:由万氏兄弟制作的我国第一部长篇电影动画著作《铁扇公主》,1942年在日本上映并引起巨大反响。在《铁扇公主》热映前后的1939-1944年间,日本还接连出现了多部出自日本作者之手的西游记衍生著作,这些著作形式多样,有舞台剧、电影、小说、译作等。西游记所具有的寓言性、写实性、娱乐性,使它成为侵华战争时期日本的一个特殊而充满矛盾的文化载体:既被战争意识形态利用,又蕴含着抗争的力量。Princess Iron Fan, the first feature-length animated movie produced by Wan Brothers, has made great waves in Japan since its first release in 1942. From 1939 to 1944, during which Princess Iron Fan was very popular, many derivative works of Journey to the West were created by Japanese producers, appearing in different forms, including stage plays, movies,novels, translations and so on. During the period of the Japanese invasion of China, Journey to the West became a special and controversial cultural carrier because of its features of allegory, realism and entertainment. On the one hand, it expresses the war ideology. On the other hand, it reflects the resistant power.

关 键 词:侵华战争 日本西游记 寓言性 写实性 娱乐性 

分 类 号:I313.45[文学—其他各国文学]
