
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘利国 祝丽君 


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期111-119,共9页

基  金:2017年度国家社科基金项目“日本现代生态文学探讨”(14BWW016)阶段性探讨成果

摘  要:《苦海净土--我们的水俣病》《神灵的村庄》和《天之鱼》是日本当代著名女作家石牟礼道子蜚声海内外的"苦海净土"三部曲。作者以二十世纪五六十年代日本四大公害之一的水俣病为题材,通过事实与虚构并存的半纪实性书写,描述了水俣病患者的痛苦以及患者家庭与氮肥企业进行诉讼斗争的艰难历程。本文试从生态批评的视角,剖析其著作"苦海净土"三部曲所书写的人与自然、人与人、人与社会不和谐联系产生之根源,研讨石牟礼道子的生态创作意识。"Sukhavati in Misery—Our Minamata Disease", "The Village of Deity" and "The Heavenly Fish" written by the famous contemporary Japanese woman writer Michiko Ishimure are known as the "Sukhavati in Misery" trilogy throughout the world. Minamata disease, one of the four public nuisances of 1950s-60 s Japan, is described as the subject matter and cause of the pains of patients, along with the hard course of legal proceedings taken by the families of patients against the nitrogenous fertilizer manufacturer, all written in a semi- documentary style interweaving facts and fiction. This paper attempts to analyze the cause of the disharmonious relationship between man and nature, man and man, and man and society from the perspective of eco-criticism embedded in the trilogy of "Sukhavati in Misery" to inquire into Michiko Ishimure's awareness of eco-writing.

关 键 词:生态批评 水俣病 石牟礼道子 生态整体主义 生态创作意识 

分 类 号:I06[文学—文学理论]
