
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:于桂玲 


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期120-125,共6页

基  金:教育部人文社科基金项目“上海在日本近现代文学史上的隐喻意义”的阶段性成果(项目编号:11YJC752017)

摘  要:本稿主要通过考察谷崎一郎放弃"支那趣味"转向日本回归的原因,略论其中国观的变化。第二次中国之行后,谷崎放弃了"支那趣味"文学创作。这说明"支那"、西洋乃至日本,对谷崎来说都是唯美之梦的载体。不同的是,"支那"这个幻想的他者,曾一度满足了他的"支那趣味"与"西洋崇拜"的异国情趣;而"中国"则不能继续承载他的梦想,变成了他敬而远之、冷静旁观的对象。其中,移居关西及第二次中国之行后中日联系的本质性、历史性转变成为谷崎中国观变化的决定性因素。This paper analyses changes in the Chinese outlook of Junichiro Tanizaki by investigating the reason for his abandonment of "Shina interest" and turning to Japanese regression. "Shina", the West and Japan are clarified as all being carriers of his aesthetic dream on the basis of his two journeys to China and the changes to his literary form in this period. The difference is that the fantasy "Shina" once satisfied his foreign interests of "Shina interest" and "worship of the West". But "China" couldn't carry his dream, and became an object he looked on at a respectful distance with indifference. The paper concludes that the essential and historic changes in Sino-Japanese relations after migrating to Kansai and his second journey to China became the decisive factors in changing his outlook on China.

关 键 词:战争 

分 类 号:I313.074[文学—其他各国文学]
