作 者:宋丹 机构地区:湖南学院外国语与国际教育大学 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第2期114-123,共10页 摘 要:1920年至1922年出版的《国译汉文大成红楼梦》(正文简称"国译本")是《红楼梦》日译史上最早的一个前80回全译本。该译本的产生背景为何?幸田露伴、平冈龙城作为合译者,是如何分工的?幸田露伴这位日本近代文豪对《红楼梦》有哪些真知灼见?这一距今将近百年的译本采用了何种文体?在整个《红楼梦》日译系统中,如何判定该译本的意义?这些正是本文想要着重研讨的问题。Kokuyaku Kanbun TaiseiKoromu which was approximately all 80 chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions published from 1920 to 1922 is the first Japanese translation of How did this work come about? How did Koda Rohan and Hiraoka Ryujyo divid the work of the translation? As a very famous writer in modem Japan, we might ask how Krda Rohan understood A Dream of Red Mansions? How different was the style of this translation a hundred years ago? What is the historical significance of it? This paper focuses on these issues. 关 键 词:文体 意义 分 类 号:I207.411[文学—中国文学] ,日语论文,日语毕业论文 |