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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:吴丽艳[1] WU Li -yan ( Research Center for Japanese Language and Culture of Liaoning University of International Business and Economics, Liaoning Datian, 116052, China)


出  处:《湖北函授学院学报》2017年第12期136-137,149共3页

基  金:辽宁省爱国主义教育基地公示语日译的规范性探讨(项目编号:173)

摘  要:日语中的暧昧表达在生活中随处可见,并占有很重要的地位,它反映了日本人的传统生活态度,也反映了整个日本民族的文化个性及其生活伦理。在圣德太子时代,就提倡"以和为贵",将"和"看作是人与人交往的最高准则。在语言上的体现就是,尽量回避直接的表达方式,多使用间接的有个性的语言表达。本文从模糊型的暧昧表达、拐弯抹角的暧昧表达、隐藏性的暧昧表达、问候类的暧昧表达等四个方面来探寻日语的暧昧表达,目的是在跨文化交往中能够清楚的理解对方的意图,与之更好地进行沟通和交流。Ambiguous expressions can be easily found in Japanese daily life and it occupies a very important place. It not only reflects the Japanese traditional attitude towards life,but also reflects the cultural identity and living ethics of the whole Japanese nation. In the era of Crown Prince Shotoku,the concept of " harmony" was advocated and it was the first principle of interpersonal communication. It is reflected in language that indirect individualistic language is used frequently and direct expression is avoided as far as possible. This essay analyzes ambiguous expressions in Japanese from four aspects: fuzzy expressions,mealy-mouthed expressions,hidden expressions and greeting expressions with a view to understanding mutual intentions in cross-cultural communication and realizing better intercourse.

关 键 词:暧昧表达 文化心理 跨文化交际 暧昧文化 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
