
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王芳艳[1] WANG Fang-yan (School of Foreign Languages, Tibet Institutions for Nationalities, Xianyang 712082, China)


出  处:《扬州教育大学学报》2017年第1期40-42,47共4页Journal of Yangzhou College of Education

基  金:基金项目:西藏民族大学青年项目阶段性成果(12myZ09).

摘  要:日语和汉语形似而质异,日语毕业论文,实则分属不同的语系,日语毕业论文,语法和语序上完全不同。文章旨在研讨日语动词的分类和用法,除了从语法意义上有无动作的发出者和动作的过程来区分自动词和他动词以外.还可以从构句功能上是否能够构成被动句和使役句来区分自动词和他动词。There are a lot of Chinese characters in Japanese, and it seems that they have great similarities apparent- ly. In fact, Chinese and Japanese belong to different language families, and their grammar and word order are com- pletely different. Be same apparently, be unlike virtually. Because of this, Japanese learners whose mother tongue is Chinese caused great distress. This paper aims to discuss the classification and usage of the verbs in Japanese. It ar- gues that intransitive verbs can be distinguished from transitive verbs not only in grammatical meanings but also from the sentence functions of whether they can constitute passive sentences or imperative sentences.

关 键 词:孤立语 粘着语 自动词 他动词 

分 类 号:H364.2[语言文字—日语]
