作 者:杨珠铃[1] 机构地区:[1]福州外语外贸大学 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第4期78-87,共10页 摘 要:本文针对中国人学习者学习困难的清浊塞音的有效教学法进行了一番考察。笔者认为,在教学法探讨方面与其着眼于学习者的母语中不存在的要素,不如在学习者已有的语言基础上寻找突破点。本文尝试从与清浊塞音的改善直接相关的前接元音入手,略论解读VCV构造日语音节中的元音和清浊塞音之间的长短联系,日语论文题目,并考察前接元音的长短联系是否可以作为日语清浊塞音习得的有效线索,从而提出有效的教学法。实验结果表明,在VCV构造的词汇中有意识地对前接元音的长短联系进行训练,能使学习者的清浊塞音的习得障碍大幅减少,日语毕业论文,不管是听力方面还是发音方面都能取得很大的教学效果。This article explores the approaches to teaching the articulation of the voiced plosive and voiceless plosive for Chinese learners of Japanese. The author believes that it is more effective to make a breakthrough based on what the learners have already grasped, rather than to directly handle the elements that don't exist in the native languages of learners. Thus, this article starts with an analysis of the initial vowels, which are closely related to the learning of the articulation of voiced plosives and voiceless plosives. It then compares the relationship between vowels and the voiceless and voiced plosives within the VCV-structured words, and thereby examines whether long or short initial vowels make it easier for learners to learn the voiceless and voiced plosives. The research shows that training in the articulation of long and short initial vowels within the VCV-structured words can greatly reduce the difficulty of learning the voiced and voiceless plosives for learners of Japanese and can help learners to achieve a higher competency, both in the aspects of articulation and audition. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:H014[语言文字—语言学] |