
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:郑曦[1] ZHENG Xi (Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Gull in, Guangxi 541004)


出  处:《科教导刊》2017年第29期166-167,共2页

摘  要:在中日商务跨文化交际中,除了语言的交流沟通外,伴随着言语行为的非言语行为的影响也不可忽视,它也向对方传达着某种信息,具有一定的深刻含义和表意功能。关于日语学习者特别是今后从事商务翻译工作的学习者而言,如果不能够准确理解和应用非言语行为,将会给交流带来极大的障碍,甚至有可能导致商务谈判的失败。本文拟从商务日语翻译中非言语行为对跨文化交际作用入手,研讨有效培养跨文化交际能力,顺利推进跨文化交际进行的对策。In Japanese business intercultural communication,in addition to foreign language communication,the role of nonverbal behavior along with the speech act cannot be ignored;it also conveys a message to the other party,with some profound meaning and expressive function.For Japanese learners,especially in the future engage in business translation work learners,if not able to accurately understand and use non-verbal behavior,it will bring great obstacles to communication,there may even lead to the failure of commercial negotiations.This paper from the Japanese translation of business nonverbal behavior on the impact of cross-cultural communication,discussing effectively cultivate intercultural competence,and countermeasures to smoothly promote intercultural communication.

关 键 词:中日 非言语行为 跨文化交际 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
