
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:欧阳健[1] OUYANG Jian(School of Foreign Languages,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou,Hunan 412017)


出  处:《怀化大学学报》2017年第8期119-121,共3页Journal of Huaihua University

摘  要:日语系曾是就业率很高、很热门的专业,但由于近十年来的盲目发展,专业设置和招生过多过滥,各高校日语系同质化日益严重,专业特色不鲜明,缺乏竞争力,同时中日联系因钓鱼岛问题而不稳定等客观因素,日语系就业市场有所萎缩,人才供需失衡,出现人才过剩。新形势下高校日语系突破同质化形成特色化刻不容缓。同质化的形成有办学体制、理念的原因和经济上的急功近利,也有专业定位、培养模式、师资队伍等的问题。突破同质化形成特色化需要立足区域、地方及行业,继承和挖掘办学传统和优势特色学科,创新培养模式,改革课程体系、优化师资结构等等。As a major,the Japanese language used to be a hot one with a high employment rate.But now the market for Japnese major graduates has shrunk and there is a problem of oversupply due to a number of reasons:excessive enrollment,increasing homogenization in training objectives between different universities,eroded competitiveness resulting from lack of distinguishing features,the deteriorating Sino-Japanese relationship because of the Diaoyu Islands dispute.In this context,it is imperative that ways be found to overcome homogenization and highlight the distinguishing features of each university.The underlying reasons for homogenization are many-fold:problems in the operating mechanism,training mode,concept,orientation of the major,eagerness for fast economic returns,and the calibre of the teaching staff.To highlight the distinguishing features of each university,the training mode must be innovated,the curriculum reformed,the make-up of teaching staff optimized and the traditional advantage of each university fully exploited.

关 键 词:日语系 同质化 特色办学 

分 类 号:G642.0[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
