
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘玮莹[1] 孙育红[1] LIU Weiying, SUN Yuhong (Japanese Department, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wenhua College, Wuhan, Hubei 430074)


出  处:《科教导刊》2017年第26期89-90,共2页

摘  要:本文通过对两所不同高校日语系一年级学生的语音测试结果进行略论比较,提出高等院校日语系有必要在低年级阶段设置专门的日语语音课程,并根据《高等院校日语系基础阶段教学大纲》①制定了日语语音课程的教学计划.The essay is based on the comparison of the phonetic tests results taken by the first grade Japanese major students from 2 different universities, and it comes up with the conclusion that it is necessary for the university Japanese majors to have a special phonetic course. The essay also presents a Japanese phonetic course curriculum planning upon the "the foun- dation Stage curriculum syllabus for university Japanese Major".

关 键 词:日语语音教育 日语语音课程 教学大纲 

分 类 号:G424[文化科学—课程与教学论;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
