
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王鹏[1] 


出  处:《外语与外语教学》2017年第2期64-67,共4页Foreign Languages and Their Teaching

基  金:本文系教育部人文社会科学探讨青年基金项目“汉日致使句式中役事论元隐现及其机制的对比探讨”(项目编号:11YJC740105)的阶段成果.

摘  要:日语致使句中日语毕业论文,存在必有论元NP2(被致使者)会发生隐现不在句中出现的特殊现象。本文对该现象进行了语义描写及略论。指出NP2隐现只发生在“使令”、“因果”两种语义类型中。前者要求动词为“主体动作客体变化”类,日语论文,后者动词具有“与人的认知和感知相关”的语义特征。In Japanese causatives, the obligatory causee NP2, un- der specific conditions, might not be present. This paper, aims to present the semantic descriptions and analyses of this phenome- non. It points out that the absence of NP2 only occurs in two se-mantic patterns, namely, the imperative-type and the resultative- type. The former type requires that the relevant verbs should have the features of indicating the action of the agent as well as the change-of-sate of the patient while the latter type requires that the relevant verbs should have semantic features of being relevant with human' s cognition and experience.

关 键 词:NP2隐现 

分 类 号:H0[语言文字—语言学]
