
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘凯[1] Liu Kai


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第31期132-132,168共2页

摘  要:日语和汉语之间尽管有着千丝万缕的关系。然而日语属于黏着语.汉语属于孤立语.两者分属于两个截然不同的语系。在真正接触日语之前,日语论文,许多人往往误以为日语是简单易学的。诚然.日语当用汉字词汇确有相当一部分来源于汉语词汇,日语论文,但值得注意的是。其中存在不少同形异义词。语法方面则呈现出多元的复杂性。如用言的变形、敬简体的对应、助词的应用等.都是汉语中不曾涵盖的现象。因此,作为日语教师.如何在基础教学阶段教会学生正确的学习措施、养成良好的学习习惯显得尤为必要。Though there're many connections between Japanese and Chinese, Japanese belongs to Agglutinative Language, while Chinese belongs to Isolating Language. Actually, they're different languages. Many people are under the illusion that Japanese is quite easy before learning it. Indeed, there're a good deal of Japanese vocabularies which come from Chinese, but it is worthwhile to note that many of them are homographs. Meanwhile, for grammar, multivariate complexities often make confused. For example, verbs conjugate, tenses, Auxiliary words and so on. These phenomena almost don't exist in Chi- nese. Therefore, as a Japanese teacher, it's very necessary to enable students to master better study methods and form good learning habits in the basic stage.

关 键 词:基础日语 母语作用 学习习惯 语言文化 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
