
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:关春影[1] 余弦[2] Guan Chunying Liaoning Normal University Yu Xuan Shanghai University

机构地区:[1]辽宁师范学院 [2]上海学院

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期51-56,共6页

摘  要:日语[は]和[か]在句中都可表示主语,但它们的使用前提却不同。日语规定,日语毕业论文,在疑问词疑问句中,疑问词作谓语等时主语用[は],回答时主语也用[は],有时用[か];疑问词作主语时主语用[か],回答时主语也用[か]。在非疑问词疑问句中,主语既可用[は]也可用[か]。回答用[は]提问的句子时,肯定用[は]或[か],否定用[は];回答用[か]提问的句子时,肯定用[か],否定用[は]。在非疑问句中,日语论文题目,[は]和[か]的使用通常是以疑问词疑问句为前提的,说话人假设听话人用疑问词疑问句提出问题,如果疑问词在谓语等则使用[は],在主语则使用[か]。日语这种规定可以从信息结构的角度加以解释。"Wa" and "Ga" can both be the subject of a sentence, but they have different premises. According to the grammar of Japanese, the subject is "Wa" when an interrogative word is used as predicate in an interrogative sentence, and "Wa" is used as the subject in the answer. When the premise is different, "Ga" is used as the subject. When the subject is an interrogative word, "Ga" is used, and the same in the answer. Based on different premises, the subject can be either "Wa" or "Ga" in an interrogative sentence without an interrogative word. To answer an interrogative sentence without an interrogative word, "Wa" is used in a positive answer. When the premise is different, "Ga" is used. When answering an interrogative sentence with "Ga", the subject is "Ga" for positive and "Wa" for negative answers. In non-interrogative sentences, "Wa" and "Ga" are used on the premise of an interrogative sentence with an interrogative word. The speaker assumes that the listener is using an interrogative sentence with an interrogative word to raise a question. If the interrogative word is the predicate, "Wa" is used. If the interrogative word is the subject, "Ga" is used. This rule in Japanese grammar can be explained by looking from the angle of information structure.

关 键 词:主语 主题 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
