
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:关铠含[1] Guan Kaihan


出  处:《鸡西学院学报:综合版》2017年第9期120-121,共2页JOurnal of Jixi University:comprehensive Edition

摘  要:近年来,日语论文题目,我国高校的日语教学水平得到了显著提高,日语毕业论文,但在培养学生的日语听说能力方面效果却不太理想。因此探析具有实践意义的教学措施成为日语听力课程的当务之急。另一方面,任务教学法吸收了以往教学法的长处,通过任务的制定,任务的完成来实现变化性互动,以其先进的教学理念,逐渐被运用语言学家和一线的外语教学人员接受并认可。拟结合教学实例,略论任务型教学法在日语听力课程中的具体实践,显示了其运用在课堂教学中的优越性。It is imperative for universities to find out the effective teaching methods to improve the Japanese listening com prehension. The task - based teaching methods , which is operated based on the new teaching ideas , has been applied in foreign language teaching through the task distribution and the realization of the tasks distributed. The paper discussed the application of task - based teaching methods in Japanese listening comprehension teaching.

关 键 词:日语听力 任务型教学法 交际能力 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
