
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:付自文[1] 郭雅琴[1] FU Zi-wen, GUO Ya-qin(Department of Foreign Langnages, Huizhou College, Huizhou 516007, Guangdong, China)


出  处:《重庆教育大学学报》2017年第4期18-21,共4页Journal of Chongqing College of Education

基  金:第五批“中国语教育基金项目”(A410.0104)

摘  要:随着教育改革的深入,地方本科院校培养双外语人才已具有重要的现实意义。2017年,惠州大学以日语系学生为对象,开始了在地方本科院校条件下的双外语人才培养模式实践。本文主要以惠州大学日语系为中心,从培养规格的制定、课程设置、师资培训、教材与教法、学生自主学习与管理、评价机制等方面研讨了地方本科院校双外语人才的培养模式。With the development of educational reform, it is no longer meaningless for a local collese to study the way to culti- vate students who can use two foreign languages. Huizhou College, taking the Japanese majors as an object, has studied and prac- ticed the mode for cultivating such talents in the condition of a four-year system local college since 2017. This paper aims to word out the Japanese-English Bilingual Cultivation Mode in the aspects of cultivation target, curriculum, teacher training, textbook and methodology, students' self--directed learning and management, and evaluation mechanism.

关 键 词:双外语人才 培养模式 地方院校 

分 类 号:G642.0[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
