
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:成玉峰[1] 张海燕[2] LI Ling-- mei (School of Foreign Languages, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321004)

机构地区:[1]南京林业学院外国语大学,江苏南京210037 [2]南京工业职业技术大学文理大学,江苏南京210023

出  处:《牡丹江教育大学学报》2017年第6期49-50,共2页

摘  要:在现代汉语中,“做”“干”“搞”是使用频率很高的三个动词,它们都具有表达动作和行为的意义,在汉译日的过程中,常常译为日语中的动词「する 」或「やる」.以中国作家莫言小说《蛙》中的例句为中心,从中日语言对比的角度,考察现代汉语“做”“干”“搞”对应的日语表达方式,并讨论译为日语动词「する」和「やる」的两种情况,以期通过考察现代汉语“做”“干”“搞”的日语译法,更加准确地掌握日语动词「す为」「やる」的区别与用法.In her many books, Native American writer Louise Erdrich highlights the link between women and nature, distinguishing herself as a writer with ecofeminism consciousness. She constantly expends and deepens this consciousness in her novels over the years. The paper argues that in the novel The last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse, Louise Erdrich reveals her ecofeminism conscious- ness with the significant characteristics of deconstruction. On the one hand, she points out that in this novel the heroine's gender is constructed by society and discourse, thus is changing throughout the sto- ry. By creating this heroine's image, Erdrich canceled the boundary between male and female; on the other hand, dealing with the relationship between human and nature, Louise Erdrich doesn't use the same way of canceling this binary oppositions' boundary, but points out that letting nature speak for it- self arid have a dialogue with human beings is the way to end their confrontation.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H365.9[语言文字—日语]
