
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:张颖[1] ZHANG Ying (School of Foreign Languages, Tongji University, Shanghai 201792, China)


出  处:《同济学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第1期 99-104,共6页Journal of Tongji University(Social Science Section)

摘  要:汉日对比探讨可谓成果颇丰,但多集中在语音、词汇或某一特定语法现象领域。文章从系统功能语法和“视点固定准则”角度,对《孔乙己》的汉日语料进行了个案对比略论并研讨了显性衔接机制在汉日语篇中映现的特点,指出日语语篇更多使用指示词和接续语这样的显性衔接机制日语毕业论文,语篇更具主观性;而汉语语篇则较多使用人称代词,属高语境语篇;通过观察“视点固定准则”在语篇中的显现,提出句子层面的探讨成果“视点固定准则”在语篇探讨中的重要性。Although comparative studies between Chinese language and Japanese language are very fruitful, most of them focus on phonology, words or particular linguistic phenomena. This article attempts to compare the two languages in terms of text through a case study of "Kong Yi-ji" with M. A. K. Halliday's Systemic Functional Theory. The author probes into the manifestations of the cohesive devices in Japanese and Chinese texts. Japanese texts use more determiners and conjunctions, indicating a higher degree of subjectivity. In contrast, Chinese texts use more pronouns, and in general, are high-context. By observing the principle of Fixed Point of View in texts, the article highlights the importance of the syntactic research findings about this principle in text research.

关 键 词:显性衔接机制 语篇 《孔乙己》 汉日语料 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
