
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:张群[1] ZHANG Qun (School of Foreign Studies, Weinan Normal University, Weinan 714000, China)


出  处:《渭南师范大学学报:综合版》2017年第8期41-45,共5页Journal of Weinan Teachers College

基  金:渭南师范大学探讨生专项科研项目(12YXZ012)

摘  要:日语和汉语的道歉表达都有定型表达和非定型表达两种形式,同时人际联系也作用着道歉表达的使用。通过问卷调查,以非定型表达的使用为中心,略论了中日两国亲疏联系对道歉表达的作用。结果表明,日本人不管亲疏,非定型表达的使用率都比较低;而中国人不仅非定型表达的使用频率高,而且使用种类远远多于日本人。Apology between Chinese and Japanese both has the formulaic expressions and non-formulaic expressions, while the relationship has the impact on the usage of the apology. The paper is based on the questionnaire, focusing on the usage of the formu- laie expressions, to analyze the relationship in Chinese and Japanese influencing on the apologizing expressions. The results Show that whatever the relationship is, the non-formulaic expressions are used less. Meanwhile, in China, the non-formulaic expressions are more used, and there are more kinds than those in Japanese.

关 键 词:道歉行为 非定型表达 亲疏联系 人际联系 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
