作 者:方明礼[1] FANG Ming-li ( College of Foreign Language,Bohai University, Jinzhou 121000 , China) 机构地区:[1]渤海学院外国语大学,辽宁锦州121000 出 处:《钦州大学学报》2017年第4期37-43,48共8页Journal of Qinzhou University 摘 要:翻译误译等现象会给读者带来理解上的障碍,作用读者对原作的阅读、理解和欣赏。通过《午后曳航》译作与原作的对照比较,发现题述著作译作中存在的照搬原文、忘文生义以及语法、句式、动作主体、词汇等诸多方面的误译现象及起因。由此能起到抛砖引玉的影响,引起日本文学翻译工作者及日本文学翻译出版界的注意,最终达到在尽量减少误译的基础上,不断提高日本文学翻译著作译作质量的目的。Mistranslation will cause understanding obstacles, affecting readers' reading, understanding and appreciation of the original work. A comparison between the translation and original work of The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea shows that there are many mistranslations in the translation, such as copy of the original words, literally translation and mistakes in grammar, sentence patterns, action subjects and vocabulary; causes for these mistakes are also found in the translated version. This may arouse the attention of translators and publishers who translate and publish Japanese literary works, reminding them of reducing mistranslation to improve the quality of translated Japanese literary works. 关 键 词:日语 汉语 原文 译文 分 类 号:H315.9[语言文字—英语] ,日语论文题目,日语论文 |