
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:姜红[1] Jiang Hong (Female) Year of Birth: 1981 Lecturer at Beijing Intemational Studies University Japanese Linguistics Study E-mail:sunnybean8181 @yahoo.com.cn


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第4期43-50,共8页

摘  要:随着时间的推移和社会的变迁,日本社会的敬语使用也在发生着变化。由于敬语在日语语言及教学探讨中占据着重要地位,诸多学者从不同的视角对日语敬语展开了探讨,并积累了一些丰硕的成果。本文从敬语使用者的探讨视角出发,选择了日本天皇的敬语使用情况为探讨对象,以昭和前期、昭和后期、平成初期为时间轴,从历时的角度考察日本天皇的敬语使用变化过程。同时,结合不同时期的社会历史背景,探明天皇的敬语使用与当时社会敬语使用规律的关系,进而对作用其变化的社会因素进行简析。Abstract The use of honorifics in Japanese society has greatly changed as times and society move on. Because of its important position in Japanese language leaming and research, scholars have conducted various studies on different aspects and achieved great success, This paper takes the perspective of speakers and studies, and focuses on how Emperors use honorifics differently over history, particularly from the earlier Shrwa and late ShSwa Eras, to the earlier Heisei Era. The research tries to identify the relationship between the honorifics used by the Emperors and the society at different times over history, and analyses the social factors that induced such cban~es.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
